Last updated on January 23rd, 2024 at 02:31 am
Yes, YouTube allows you to share an unlisted YouTube video on Facebook. To do it you’ve to get the link to the unlisted video and then attach it to your Facebook post. This post will show you how to go about it step-by-step.
Before you head there, it pays to learn the different privacy options under which YouTube allows you to publish your video.
When you publish a video on YouTube, you’re given three options. You can publish the video as public, unlisted, or private.
Public Video
When you choose public, the world can see your videos on YouTube. Also, it will be indexed by the search engines.
Anyone who has subscribed to your channel will receive notification of a newly published video.
Private Video
If you set the video to private, the video is still published, but it can’t be viewed by the public.
To view a private video the owner of the video must give you access through your email. Once you get access only you can watch it. You can’t share the access with others.
Unlisted Video
An unlisted video will also not appear on YouTube for the public to view. The owner is, however, free to share the video with anyone,
All he has to do is send the link to the person he wants to share with. There’s no need for the recipient to provide his email address as is required with a private video.
The person receiving the unlisted video link can then share it with anyone he likes. The owner doesn’t have any power to stop it. Unless, of course, he changes his mind and makes the video private.
Why would you want to share an unlisted YouTube video on Facebook when you can send the link to the person(s) you intend to share the video with?
The reason could be you have a big group of people you want to share the video with. So, it would be tedious to email everyone in the group which would be required for a private video.
Also, you may not have the email addresses of all the people in the group or their mobile numbers to send the unlisted video link through a messaging service,
The other reason could be that you want comments or interaction of the video to be done on Facebook, especially if the video concerns the group of people in the group.
You may also want to make use of Facebook’s feature that allows you to share your posts with selected people.
This would be much more convenient than sending them the video link through email.
Let’s see how we can share an unlisted video on Facebook.
Steps to Sharing an Unlisted Video on Facebook
Step 1 : Get the Unlisted YouTube Video Link
Assuming you’ve logged into your YourTube account, head to YouTube Studio.

In YouTube Studio, Select Content on the left panel.

Click on the unlisted video to get its link.

On the right-hand panel click on the copy link icon.

Now that you have the unlisted video link, log into your Facebook account. Then create a new post.

Paste the copied YouTube video link.

At this point, you decide who you want to share the post with. Chances are you want to share it with a specific group of people.
To do this click on the drop-down arrow below your name.

In the select audience box, you want to choose Specific friends.

You can then proceed to select the friends you want to share your unlisted Youtube video with.
At the bottom of the panel, you’ll see the list of friends who can see the post. You can delete any friends. Then hit the Save changes button.

Your video will now be shared with the friends you have selected.
Before you hit the post button, you can confirm again the list of friends who can view the video.

You can check that after posting your video as well.

Those were the steps you need to take to share an unlisted YouTube video on Facebook.
Now, you go ahead and give it a try.