Last updated on January 23rd, 2024 at 02:18 am
More often than not, Google Drive doesn’t allow you to play video uploaded to it. Is downloading and playing it offline the only solution? No, there are quick and easy fixes to overcome the problem.
Google Drive is an excellent cloud storage solution for video files. If you have dozens of video files you can save hard disk space by uploading them to Google Drive.
By uploading video files to Google Drive, you can access them anywhere there’s an Internet connection.
In this way, you don’t have to carry your video in an external hard drive or thumb drive if you’re going to view it away from home or your workspace.
Also, sharing videos via Google Drive is easy if you also want others to watch them.
Google Drive Drawback
An annoying drawback of Google Drive is it sometimes doesn’t allow you to play videos directly from the platform. You’ll receive the following message: Whoops! There was a problem playing this video.
When this happens you’ve no other to play the video, except by downloading it and playing it through a software media player.
Downloading is fine. But what if your video file is large and you’ve limited space on your hard disk?
Also, you may not want to download a video file because you’re using someone else’s computer?
You may also want to play the video instantly, without waiting for it to finish downloading.
Video File with Restricted Access
There may be instances where someone shares a video file with you under restricted access. In other words, you’re not allowed to share or download it.
You would have to play the video through Google Drive. How do you overcome the problem?
Fret, not as there are ways to play videos in Google Drive without downloading them.
Use Chrome Web Browser
If you’re using a non-Chrome browser, try to switch to Chrome to see if you can play videos in Google Drive without having to download them.
If you have luck playing your Google Drive video in Chrome, then use the browser the next time you want to play a Google Drive video.
Google Drive Video Not Playing on Chrome Browser Fixes
If you’re already using a Chrome browser and your video doesn’t play on Google Drive, here are some quick fixes you can try.
Update Chrome Browser
Is your Chrome Browser up to date? Make sure you have the latest version.
Follow the steps below to check whether you have the latest version of the browser.
Click on the 3 dots on the top right-hand corner of your Chrome browser.
Then choose Help and then About Google Chrome.

Check the Google Chrome version.

Clear Browser Cache and Cookies
Files accumulated in your browser cache may affect the performance of brose-based programs or applications.
Try clearing your browser cache to see if you can play a Google Drive video.
Follow the steps below to clear your browser cache and cookies in Google Chrome.
Again click on the 3 dots, then choose More Tools, and then select Clear browsing data.

Next, select Cookies and Cached files and then hit the Clear data button.

Disable Browser Extensions
It may be that you’ve installed a good number of extensions to perform specialized tasks on your Chrome browser.
You may only occasionally or no longer use them.
Any of them could be interfering with Google Drive video playback.
Try disabling them one by one or all of them and then try to play your Google Drive video.
Follow the steps below to disable your browser extensions.
Under More Tools select Extensions.

When the Extension window pops up, you can choose to disable an extension through the extension slider or remove it.
Then close your browser, relaunch it and then try playing your Google Drive video.

If any of the fixes can’t get you to play a Google Drive video, try the one below.
When you see the error message, click on the three dots and then choose
Play Your Google Drive Video From Another Window
This fix has been proven to work in some instances.

As soon as you see the message above, click on the 3 vertical dots on the Google Drive window.

On the dropdown menu, choose Open in new Window.
See if you can play the video directly in Google Drive without having to download it.
Try the Incognito Mode
You may also try playing the video in incognito mode.
To do this click on the three vertical dots on the top of your browser. Then choose New Incognito Window.

Once you’re in the incognito mode, navigate to the video in your Google Drive and try playing it.
Sign Out of All Google Accounts
Are you logged in to more than one account on your Chrome browser. If so, click on your account profile icon and sign out of all acconuts.

Then sign in to the account associated with the video file and try playing it again.
Use a Third-Party Google Drive Media Player
If Google Drive’s default media player doesn’t play your video, try a third-party player.
To do this right-click on the video title. Choose Open with and then select Connect more apps.

On Google Drives Apps page, search for a video player. Make sure the player supports your video file format. For example you may choose the Video from Drive app.

Go ahead and click on it to install.

On installing the video player, you should have no problem playing a video in Google Drive without downloading it.
You can not only play video files directly on Google Drive but also convert them to MP4 without downloading them.
Read also: How to Fix Google Drive Video is Still Being Processed Error: Quick and Easy Ways