Last updated on January 23rd, 2024 at 02:30 am
There are many YouTubers with flourishing channels with hundreds of videos. These channels have random videos on different subjects.
More often than not, viewers have to browse through the entire selection of videos to find related videos.
Most viewers would not take the trouble to do it.
The result is lost engagement in the form of additional views, comments, likes, and even subscriptions.
So, if you have a YouTube channel with videos on different subjects, it pays to group and organize them into playlists according to theme or topic.
Here’s how to make a YouTube playlist.
Log in to your YouTube account and go to Your channel.

How to Make a YouTube Playlist from Your Channel Videos
Next, click on Videos.

A list of your published videos will be listed.

Let’s say we want to make a playlist for fish curry. We can use the search feature to find all the fish curry videos on the channel.

The list of fish curry videos will be displayed.
Hover your mouse over the title of the video you want to add to a playlist. Three vertical dots will appear. Select Save to playlist.

When the Save to dialog box opens, choose to Create a new playlist.

You can then name the Playlist and set the visibility of the playlist. You would want to choose Public as you want the rest of the world to view the playlist.

Then hit create.

A playlist will be created. You can view it by clicking on the Playlists menu.

You may then proceed to add other videos to the playlist by following the above steps.
Use the steps above to make more YouTube playlists.
Making a YouTube Playlist with Videos from Other Channels
You may also make playlists of videos from other channels for your private viewing or to share with others.
To do this, you have to be logged in to your YouTube account when viewing videos from other channels.
If you wish to add a video to a playlist, click on the Save button at the bottom of the video.

When you do that, a playlist dialog box opens.

When you hit Create new playlist, you’ll be given the option to name your playlist and also set a visibility option.

You may add other videos of a similar topic to the playlist by following the same steps.
To view your playlist at a later time, log in to your channel account and select Playlists from the menu.

Editing Your YouTube Playlist
Once your preferred videos are in your playlist, you may arrange the order of your videos.
Use the Move to top or Move to bottom buttons as shown below.
You may also delete a video by clicking the Remove button.

You’ve learned how to make a YouTube playlist. Creating a playlist will help you pick the best videos from the YouTube ocean and organize them in the order of your viewing preference.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Many Playlists Can You Have on YouTube?
You can have an unlimited number of playlists on your YouTube account. So, if you have a channel with videos on different subjects, you don’t have to worry about viewers looking for related videos.
How Many Videos Can You Have on a Playlist?
Is there a limit to the number of videos you can have on a playlist? There’s no official statement on this from YouTube. However, users have successfully added up to 5000 videos on a single playlist.