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Kumara Velu

Kumara has a background in electronic engineering and has been exploring video technology since 1996. He has been a multimedia trainer since 1999, while editing various trade and technical magazines before switching to web publishing in 2007.

How to Open YouTube Audio Library on Your Mobile Phone: Easy Audio Track Downloads

This quick tutorial will show you how to open YouTube Audio Library on your mobile phone. The YouTube Audio Library is a boon for video creators. First, it saves you the trouble of running into copyright problems when using tracks with videos you upload to YouTube. Second, you don’t spend money buying royalty-free audio tracks. […]

NetMD Disc Format: How it Works

NetMD or NetMiniDisc is an extension of the MiniDisc format. Despite MiniDisc’s versatility, it had a limitation back in the day. It could not speed-record music in digital mode. You could only record music at a single speed in analog mode as you would with an audio compact cassette. Thus a 74-minute audio track took […]

MiniDisc Audio Format: How it Works

A MiniDisc is a recordable CD, permanently sealed in a plastic shell. It resembles a floppy disc, but with a much smaller size. A MiniDisc measures 2.5 square inches, about half the size of a CD. It has a storage space of 140MB. The main advantage of a MiniDisc audio format over a CD is […]